Monday, April 23, 2007

Baliff & Test Fish - LCL 22nd April 2007

Temp: 8- 22°C
Wind: SW (7 mph)
Relative Humidity (%): 33,
Pressure (mB): 1019, Falling,
Visibility: Very good

I awoke at 6.30am and was unable to return to sleep - So I thought -rather than wasting time in the Pit I could spend a few hours testing out my new Middy Hot Spot Margin Pole whilst baliffing at the same time.

All came from the previous Sunday Match (15th) and a Shopping trip to Big John's Friday (20th) as I needed to replace Kev Keeling's Colmic Hit n' Hold Pole as we were unable to obtain a replacement section (The one I trod on at Mill Barn- see previous post !), so made the decision to Buy Kev a new pole of his choice as a replacement.

We met at Big Johns - and already had made a mental choice of the Shimano Beast Master - but John would not have any in for at least another two weeks, so Kev looked at the Preston version and the Middy Hot Spot. He chose the Middy. Based on that I made the spot decision to have one myself if BJ would give me a deal - I did try BOGOF but you can imagine the response. But did offer a substantial discount. So purchase made and off we went - and the smile on Kev's face made me feel a lot better although a lot lighter in the wallet.

Having completed all my household chores the next day and in between watching the Footie on the box - I elasticised the top three match section with 8-10 elastic and a brief trip to BJ's to get the correct size bushing for the Bully Boy top two (the package came with this Take Apart 2 section and a Butt extension to take to 9.5 metres) - I loaded with 16-18 Colmic elastic.
I also came away with two Top kit protectors tubes which have the built in elastic protectors at the top of the tube (excellent idea). I also reloaded my Shimano 8010 Reels with Nash XT 18lb Line in preparation for my Trip to Lac Chateau Cavagnac, France in June.

Back to the session:

The lake looked a picture in the early morning sun a quick walk round revealed that the only activity was in the centre of the lake adjacent to the drain. A Mirror rolled. So as a testing pleasure session I thought I would fish from the road bank from Peg 9 into the light South Westerly breeze to maximise the difficulty. This gave me the capability to fish under the tress in Swim 9,8, & 7 - But only fish the former.

I set up a Ledger on the Alarm with a Frozen pineapple boilie & mixed boilie stringer and cast to the spot where the carp rolled earlier. I then preceded to set up the Middy Hot Spot and layout the infrastructure. I decided I would fish 'big' with the Bully Boy and a rig I made quite a while ago 4lb line straight through to a Size 16 Kasaman Animal Hook using Sweetcorn as the main bait - I was defrosting some maggot as I set up to use as loose feed.

I was just plumbing around when Kev Keeling arrived with Barley (His Barley coloured Labrador - hence her name) who was excited to see me as see always is. Kev offered and I gratefully accepted his help in setting up - in all aspects - shotting pattern / presentation of the rig, length of line to the connector for a given condition - placement of the infrastructure (Pole rollers etc that I have - not that I have all the right things - but slowly getting there) so that everything is to hand and the best methodology to use when shipping out striking, and playing the fish. I won't go through them all here so as not to publicise - but needless to say I fished for 5 hours landed every fish and did not feel any discomfort - I normally give up after an hour.

This I believe was for two main reasons - The Middy Hot Spot Pole is as light as my Badger Pole but is much better balanced and the tuition from Kev. I think we both agree I need a new seat box so that I can sit higher. My current box has round legs and light clamping bolts that will not support my near 20 Stone frame without sliding down again.

During the set up in which I also learned a new tip regarding the hooking of Sweetcorn on the 2nd put in demonstration form Kev the float pulled down and we (I mean we Kev hook _ I Played and landed) had a pristine 1lb 4oz Roach

(This is a new PB beating my previous best from peg 21 on 9th July last year).

A couple of put-in's later a nice Male Tench of around 1 1/2 lbs was netted. both of these fish looked out of place in my Big 50" carp Landing Net - so I set up my Middy Match landing net.

Kev stayed with me providing coaching for 1/2 hour Barley sat patiently all this time- but Kev was late for his 'shopping' expedition - Sorry Lisa my fault - not Kev's

I continued hitting and missing with my 'new' sideways strike action - definitely had fish in the swim with all the knocks dips on the float. The baiting approach was a steady trickle of 2-3 pieces of corn and a small handful of dead maggots every put in with micro pellet / 4mm pellet to attract the carp.

A couple nice 1/2lb Roach followed than went quiet - not indications - OK I'm ready for that big pull away - as I thought perhaps the Carp had moved in and bullied the Silvers out of it - But nothing. Then I was just lifting to reposition and the elastic pulled out as I - Applying side ways action I pulled the lump out and it went off to the centre of the lake and started to Pull. This prompted the need to add the rest of the Pole as the 18 elastic was extended some 10 feet out of the pole and a nice curve in the pole almost a through action to the but - Nice, This was big or so I thought - perhaps 15lb or even a twenty.

Once I had gained 'control' I moved the ledger set up out of harms way and continued to bait the swim. 10 minutes later I caught sight - No wonder it was pulling so hard it looks like it was hook in the Pelvic Fin. That would explain why I did not get a bite. However a few minutes later I was able to get to the net - I knew there was a reason for setting the big 50". Out on the unhooking mat she came - Looked in excellent condition - I am sure she has a name - I will call One Scale as she has One large scale on her right hand Side. She weighed in at 11lb 10ozs. Given the fact that the hook was in the left hand Pelvic Fin it would be equivalent to a high double.

Next Put in I had a another 'bite' - Definitely a carp (getting the feel of this set up now). But not as big as 'One Scale' but felt nice all the same. Once control achieved again no need for the extension - Top four only got the fish the surface - Don't believe it - This one is hooked in the Pelvic Fin also - but a small 'Black' Common. Landed in the Match Net unhooked and returned - circa 3lbs.

Now getting use to which bites to strike and ones not to - resulted in two Bream to 1 1/2Lb Two Rudd to 4oz a baby Perch then another tentative bite as sideways strike and a big pull away from a carp. This time I feel confident this is a proper catch - A good fight ensues but only need the four sections. This Mirror graced the net at 9lbs 6oz and had minor spawning marks - Applied a touch of ointment to it and she returned gracefully.

From that point on the Sun was getting hot and the bites had gone away - But that is normal here at just after noon - it is like somebody sounding the Lunch break siren - Just about the time to Pack up at which point I was Joined by my Wife (Ann) and our Jack Russell (Suzy) who much to my surprised sat with me attentively for the last 10 mins - Normally she would be off chasing the rabbits but I think Ann had exhausted on the walk up.

So what a lovely Morning - Lovely weather - great company and Tuition from Kev, 25lb+ mixed bag of fish and a sun burned left hand side of my face - Great !!

Biggest take out of the session is that I learned so much it short space of time and I now know I can fish long periods with a Pole and the Pole / tackle I now have I should be able to fish for all types during the coming months on the Commercials and land the majority no matter the size - It is that all important thing - Confidence !


Monday, April 16, 2007

Big John's Angling Sunday League Match - Mill Barn Reservoir Lake - Great Wakering - 15th April 2007


Sky: Sunny
Temp 8-23°C

Wind NW (5 mph)
Relative Humidity (%): 37,
Pressure (mB): 1021, Falling,
Visibility: Very good

In anticipation of a super day - (The forecast was for slight wind - wall to wall sunshine and Temperature topping 23 degrees), those of us who could not remember the exact location of Mill barn reservoir lake gather at 6.30am at Big Johns. The convoy set out led by Big John in his new Transit Connect van (very plush) and a steady 60 mph down the A127 Arterial road towards Southend. The sun appeared over the eastern horizon causing momentarily blindness quickly corrected by the swift use of the visor.

We pulled into the pot holed dirt track to the reservoir lake remote from the other lakes on this 'complex' and into the lake and parked up at the far end high above the lake.

Those who drew the lower pegs had a long walk back but the promise of good fishing at these 'hot pegs' eased that prospect. I drew peg 22 on the top end of the East bank facing east, in the deepest part of the lake - rumoured to be over 20 feet deep. Yep! It was 14 foot directly in front of me - sharply falling away - I did not bother to check any further out - although there is a small island out in front on me somewhere but I believe it was closer to peg 25 which Kev Keeling was in.

I set up on the feeder rod with my strongest tip and an small in-line Drennan Method feeder - The tip was to use method with fine ground bait. I played around trying to find the Island and as I thought it was a little too near Kev's swim to really have a go at it, But given the proximity of the pegs we could all say it was in our swims.

I also set up on a Waggler set to a depth of 6 feet to use later closer in - the intent was to spray maggot and try to get them (carp) to come up in the water. My peg location meant that I could not see anything going on North of me along the East Bank, but would get Regular report via Kev Keeling & Gary Somerfields who we on the South Bank facing North throughout the day. 1st report came in even before the Off - Olly had landed a small carp on a bare hook whilst setting up !! I joked that was all he going to catch today knowing full well that he will probably trounce us from the peg he was in.

At the whistle in we went - Nothing - not a sign - moved a little closer to The Island, next report - Paul Pratley is in - a fish a chuck - after only 30 mins both myself and mason who was Fishing peg 21 to my right and decreed that today would be a pleasure Fish only.

So on the Waggler I went netting a nice roach 1st cast - Ahh I thought if I can get these all day then perhaps chance of a frame position - but you guessed it a every next fish was smaller than the previous, mason got his Waggler out about 15 mins after me and was getting into some skimmers.

Tony on Peg 23 to my left also retreated from the feeder and onto the pole varying his depth to find fish he was like myself and mason getting the odd one / two. Then nothing. Kev had a little run - Looks like he managed to find the island - a couple of nice carp in a couple of cast. Gary also managed one on the Pole -= perhaps they were on there way round. Pratley was allegedly still getting a carp a chuck.

I alternated form Method to Waggler for 1/2 hour stints, up / down in the water. I edged my way closer to the imaginary island and got into some skimmers - well 3 of them, after going onto my old favourite - the 3/4 ounce in-Line Middy Maggot feeder.
That was s a result of overhearing what Graham the bailiff/owner said to Kev on his 1st visit of the day. " You want to go three red maggot with feeder onto the island just at distance in line with that guy over there (me) - there I thought if it is in line with me out that distance then it must be part of my swim.

Kev tried out there but nothing was forthcoming. He was on the pole with rigs set at 2-3 feet deep of the twenty under his feet - employing what I tried -spraying maggot and getting them up in the Water - but was mainly getting Silvers - but good ones at that. It was noted by myself that Graham asked everyone on the South bank how they were getting on and providing advise but walked straight past Tony, Mason & Yours truly. Mason remarked that was because we were in S**t swims.

Such was the 'intensity' of the Fishing I indulged myself and ordered a Sausage roll and a cup of tea from the 'mobile caterer' who came round taking orders (no idea were these are cooked). That was after a bit of dialogue with the guy that went something like this.

Guy: do you want any food / drink
Me: What you got
Guy: Anything - Egg, Bacon, Sausage - full Double Monty and so on
Me: Got any Beef burgers
Guy: No
Me: OK I will have a sausage in a roll and a cup of Tea (Milk , No Sugar)
Guy - OK - Writes it down

1 hour later he drives round in his car , with his 'partner' Boozy get his sausage in a roll, Tony gets his Egg Bacon roll, and goes straight by me, delvers further up the East bank _ Oh well gone off it now anyhow I settle for my Steak pie left in my nose bag. Then he reverses back down with his partner with the passenger door wide opening shouting "who ho ordered a Egg Bacon Roll - I of course retorted not me but I did order a sausage in a roll - So I took the Egg Bacon version - but at least the cup of tea was correct !

Graham the Bailiff came round again but stopped off this time - perhaps he had heard Mason's earlier comments. How you getting on he asked - I pointed out to my now dry carp Keep net on the side of the peg. Can't be your in the best swim on the Lake. Mason laughed loudly. Graham said as he (Kev) is not fishing there - get on the island "It s only 3 feet deep and that where they will be (He did state a caveat that they could be getting funny due to getting ready for Spawning). "

To his credit he then took the time and trouble to take me through a set up and talk me through the exact position of the island by getting me to cast - within two casts I have it. "There you are - just there" he said- (Mason and I looked at each other and both acknowledged but did not say - that is where I have been fishing all day).

Graham then helped me set up a free bomb rig and told me to put a big bow in the rod when settled on the Island. He even repositioned my feeder rest effectively jamming it up - perhaps the carp pull it off the stand here - I don't know because have not experience a carp bite here yet. I cast out to the spot (that island really must be small) put the bow just a Graham said - Immediately a drop back there you are a bite - nothing there - This was just the bomb rolling back against the pressure).

I did get a skimmer next cast, but because the set up was too heavy I was not seeing the Skimmer nudges, on retrieving just mangled maggots (all three of them). That's it back on the In Line maggot feeder. It has the same effect as free running bomb but more sensitive to detect those shy skimmers.

Kev & Gary were going Fish to Fish (Carp that is) in the last Hour - looked like they have moved up in the water over there . Kev lost a beast ! Pratley was still getting a fish a chuck a Mason was relaying the catch report from our end of the lake to Ed Pearce by Mobile and vis-versa.

I commented to Mason that if I was Pleasure fishing I would have moved after 2 hours - Mason's retort was "I'd have gone home" I was all packed up apart from the maggot bait box the feeder rod & rest by 2.15 pm.

It came to my last cast - bang on the island - The feeder hit the bottom and whist pulling onto the rest a slight tap and way it went - A carp - Gary shouted across don't you lose that - Weird fight did not feel all that big but wanted to go - Slowly drew in and got up the surface - looked like I got it in the Dorsal, so perhaps why it appeared to be a weird fight. But when I finally won the brief but spirited battle - it was hooked nicely in the bottom lip - So fare catch.

Now what do I do - My keep net is all nicely dry - Don't want to put in with the silvers for fear of disqualification - Brainwave - I will take it round and get Dan keeling to independently weigh it for me. What a costly decision that is going to turn out to be. The scales were positioned on the South bank just behind Gary, so off I go, get behind Kev lift me left foot over Kev's 3rd pole section but for some reason did not lift my right foot the same distance - There is sickening crack which you only know as Carbon shattering. And I mean sickening I felt sick both for Kev and myself. Kev took it very well with a short thank you and told me not to worry - these things happens - Hopefully the bill for a replacement section will not be too bad If BJ can get one !!)

Gary commented - "that really sums up the c**p day"

What a Surprise come the weigh-in, only Pratley had anything substantial (72lb ish) despite the reports we were getting visually and by Mobile - Just goes to show even with new technology carpet bagging still exists.

Kev Keeling came a 'surprised' 2nd with a good Mixed bag but circa 1/2 that of Pratley. Gary finished 6th but most of the weights were around 20-25lb - I had 7lb 15oz (Oh by the way the pristine Mirror carp went 2lb 10oz)

No idea were I finished - don't really care. I had a day out fishing in sunny and Calm conditions the 1st time since God knows when - if only the fish would play - But there it is an a nutshell - Fishing is as predictable as Chaos theory - that is why we love it.

I was only going to write a few notes on this day - but when I recounted it - so much actually went on good and bad of course -

Sign off for now Twinkle toes or lack of.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

LCFC AGM / Presentation 3rd April 2007

Lee Chapel Fishing Club 2006/7 Presentation

The Winners

Left to right:

Paul Blake: Sunday 3rd Place & Best Entertainer

Kev Keeling: Sunday Joint 2nd Place

Al Gammon: Sunday Heaviest Bag & Weds 3rd

Ed Pearce: Weds 2nd Place

Olly Wagg: 1st's: Sunday (Linda Mead) & Weds (Stan's Memorial ) Trophies

Steve Barrett: Sunday Joint 2nd place

I had a pleasant surprise to receive the inaugural "Best Entertainer" in recognition for my water entry, boot loosing and cursing techniques - Nice Thought - Guys - appreciated -
Olly has already vowed that he is going Win it next year ! Stand By !!!!

Best Entertainer Trophy

My Sunday 3rd Palce Trophy

These are the 1st Fishing Trophies I have won in 37 years - The 1st as a Senior

The previous trophy was Salisbury Anchor Sea Angling Club Junior Boat Champion in 1970.



Monday, April 02, 2007

LCFC Sunday League Match - 1st April 2007 - Coleman's Cottage Wood Lake


Sunny 8- 14°C
Wind NE (19 mph) - Gusting to 30mph
Relative Humidity (%): 44,
Pressure (mB): 1026, Falling,
Visibility: Good

A Bright & breezy start to the new Lee Chapel Sunday League Matches. The traditional breakfast taken in the 'new' lodge delayed the draw and consequently the match by 1/2 hour. There is an added dimension to the matches this year. Gary Somerfield proposed the inclusion of a Pairs & a Knockout competition - I had volunteered to run this and put the proposal and format to the guys at the draw - Greeted with warm response.

We used the pegs drawn for today's match to determine who paired up together for the season with the highest number with the lowest then the 2nd highest with 2nd lowest and so on. Produced some interesting parings here is just a few:

Olly Wagg & Rob Blackburn
John & Ed Pearce (Father & Son there)
John Buck & Mick Wagg
Kev Keeling & Fred Saunders
And well you could not have scripted it - The idea maker and the Organiser - yes Me & Gary Somerfield !

On the fishing Front:

We had the whole of the lake to ourselves which meant that we were able to evenly space everyone out - not fishing the Odd Pegs.

I drew Peg 20 right down the end and in full face of the Quite substantial North-Easterly wind - Luckily it was sunny. My partner (Gary) was on Peg 14 at 90 degrees to me on the East bank - Kev Keeling was opposite me on the point that he dubbed 'Southend Pier' and Steve Barrett was on the hot Peg 26 opposite / left of me. Olly was over the hump so could not see what he was up to but that does not mean a lot as last time I didn't see him catch much at Tylers but he still did well !

Decided the only real option today was the feeder /method approach - to the islands in the middle (they marked the border between the opposite swims too windy for the pole and the Waggler (more of that later).

Gary got a small carp 1st chuck on the feeder, before I'd already put in - (to busy going round updating everyone on who they were paired with and info on the Knockout competition) . I voiced my appreciation, which met with the bantered response " Good job someone in this team is fishing" or words to that effect.

I started off on my favourite 3/4 Ounce in-line Middy maggot feeder with 12" size 18 2.5 lb Hook link -fished to the gap in the island straight in front of me. Made 4 casts but not a bite - shifted 2 feet to the left - Bang round the tip went - A nice chublet to 1/2lb fought well. Successive casts had a Chub a chuck then a a hard fighting fish. Wow what a pretty sight came up from the depths - A ghostie only about a 1.5 Lb fish but it does not matter - My 1st Ghostie - it is true they do fight harder. Safely in net net I had a smile as wide as the Dartford Tunnel.

But then after a few more Chub - all quiet - tried several places to the left and right and distances - nothing - back to where I started then had a very timid bite - pulled into it and fought really weird could it be a foul hooked - No it was a pristine little Barbel. I had another later as well.

I went onto the in-line Drennan method with a new mix. short hair rigged double Sweetcorn - persisted for 1/2 hour but no bites. Went back the Maggot feeder and having the odd intermittent Chub and a small Crucian.

Given that I was getting most of the chub shortly after the cast - I thought that they may be taking up the drop just before the lake bed as I had the long hook link, I decided to set up the waggler with an 2 AAA insert waggler. Having set it up with no dropping shot a few practice casts into that fierce wind, the 1st real cast resulted in a bird's nest on the reel. Turning round top sort it out the rod tip got snagged in a bush and broke - Arggh!! - Blakey lost his rag -after promising himself he was not going to do it this year !!! bang goes that one. it did not go unnoticed - Kev remarked on it later when my bale arm pooped out on my feeder set up as I was fishing the last 1/2 hour with that handicap. Kev said I should not throw my rod on the ground - that was the Waggler set up.

The award for best casting technique versus fish rate went to Kev Keeling who with his back to the wind literally flicked his feeder 90 degrees to his left in between the islands there - which happened to be the same place Gary was Fishing - I did comment that Kev was catching more fish than Gary, but the retort there was that Gary was feeding and Kev was catching his fish.
In the final hour I fished into the gap between the Island in Swim 21 - Getting a fish a chuck again including one more Barbel and a nice 3.5lb Large Plated Mirror.

At the whistle I was glad the wind had taken it toll.. The side effect of the pairs competition that everyone weighed in, and increase banter and 'buddy' comments during the weigh which was difficult with the wind and extra care taken as the weights were very close. The banter was characterised by Olly getsuring to pus me in, Gary said to Olly - "You mess me him you mess with me"

Looks good for a smashing season.

Weights & Positions for this Match

Pos / Angler / Weight

Kev Keeling 44lb 2 ozs
2 John Buck 42lb 6 ozs
3 Steve Barrett 37lb 10 ozs
4= Mick Wagg & Gary Somerfeild 31lb 0 ozs
6 Fred Saunders 26lb 6ozs
7= Steve Ellis & Rob Blackburn 23lb 10ozs
9 Olly Wagg 23lb 8 ozs
10 John Pearce 23lb 4 ozs
11 Ed Pearce 22lb 4 ozs
12 Paul Blake 21lb 8 ozs
13= Arthur Morkunas & Mason 21lb 0 ozs
15 Terry Middleton 18lb 4 ozs
16 Kev Butler 16lb 0 ozs
17 Mick Byrne 12lb 8ozs
18 Roy Digby 9lb 14 ozs
19 Ron Ellis 7lb 8 ozs

Total Weight 456lb 7 ozs


LCFC League Tables - 1st April 2007


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